Tuesday, June 3, 2008


To day at lemoyne I was weving it is fun to weving me an all my frends likes it to. I love art a lot it is my fafrit thing to do I like the stachu grdin a lot my team is cold the Emralds. I love art class very much. aurora.B.T.B.


katielittlefoot said...

Aurora! You are such a good artist! Thank you for the octopus, I hung it in my room. I love you very much, keep up the good artwork!
Love , Aunt Katie

Unknown said...

Roar! You are awesome. Hit me up, we need to chill. What about first fridays this week?..check out the other fantastic artists.

Nana said...

I am so glad you are taking art lessons this summer. Send me some of your work, OK? You are one smart cookie!
Love you more than pancakes!